After 10 days sick with the flu and most of it spent in bed, coughing, sneezing but mainly blowing my nose :-) I finally got round to tackling the strap for this bag.
I decided to try out a new technique - by new I mean new to me, I think it's been around for thousands of years :-) - Wrapped Rope - I have been meaning to try it out for some time now, and finally took this opportunity (10 days in bed) to finally do so :-)
I followed the instructions given in "Zulu - Inspired Beadwork" by Diane Fitzgerald - however, as I really don't like to be told what to do :-), I simplified them, instead of wrapping with two strings of beads I did it with one :-) The author states that this technique can be done with as few as one strand and as many as six. I'm not sure how I would handle 2 strands let alone 6!!!! I did find this technique, although simple, quite fiddely, it was hard to turn the fabric and hold the tension all at the same time, but then again this is my 1st attempt :-)
First I made 4 beaded beads in square stitch and passed my lovely turquoise silk (once a sarong) though them. Then I started wrapping the silk fabric with turquoise Czech beads.
I'm quite happy with the result, although there is definitely room for improvement :-) but as this bag is for myself, it's good enough :-)
One reason I really liked using this wrapping method is because the beading worked up really quickly. E.g.: it took about the same amount of time to bead one of the beaded beads (30 minutes) as it did a whole section of wrapping - so it could be said that it's about 3 times quicker or even more.
I will be introducing a beaded bag line, in addition to my beaded jewellery, sometimes in the near future, so stay tuned! :-)
In the mean time, if you are new to my blog and would like to see the previous posts on the progress of this bag from the start, please click on the links below:
Water - work in progress - Part 1
Water - work in progress - Part 2