Tuesday 23 June 2009

Bead Art Originals – Items of the Week

bao item of the week

A day late, sorry, but here are this week’s gorgeous items from the Bead Art Originals – visit the BAO blog and find out what specials offers are attached to these items! http://beadartoriginals.blogspot.com/

My item this week is:

Black Sun – Necklace

Purchase and pay for this item between now and 28th June and receive 10% off + free shipping!!!

Monday 22 June 2009

Primeval Forest - Collar

A new piece!!!  I recently bought some gorgeous cabochons from MAKUstudio and as always, spent a rather long time ogling over them before actually doing anything with them.  So a couple of weeks ago, as I already had all my copper beads out on my worktable, I decided to beadembroider one of Maku’s beautiful creations…. and then I got stuck and became very uninspired (not with the cabochon, just in general) … but after a few weeks of no ideas coming into my head,  I got inspired once again and found the perfect necklace for this piece – here it is:

Primeval Forest – Collar

Primeval Forest collar 01 copy

I picked all the colours that I could see in the cabochon and made this lovely herringbone-stitched collar, finished off with a pretty complementary square-stitched toggle and peyote loop.  


Copper and green collar 05 copy


  I love the colours!!!! this looks so good on, especially as I’m quite tanned now! :-)

Go and check out MAKUstudio for some more gorgeous cabochons and jewellery!

Monday 15 June 2009

Bead Art Originals – Items of the Week

bao item of the week

Here are this week’s stunning items from the Bead Art Originals – visit the BAO blog and find out what specials offers are attached to these items! http://beadartoriginals.blogspot.com/

My item this week is:

Wall Flower Choker

Purchase and pay for this item between now and 21st June and receive 10% off + free shipping!!!

Friday 12 June 2009

Neptune’s Bride

I finally managed to photograph my new piece and entry for the EtsyBeadWeavers July Challenge “Here Comes the Bride…”

I say photograph, although I’m really not happy with how the photos turned out… they lack the sparkle and colour intensity of the actual piece… but for some reason I found it really difficult to photograph…. strange how some colours and pieces are harder to photograph than others…

I was inspired to create this piece as soon as I read the challenge theme chosen by Cielo Design, winner of the May Challenge and a dear friend!

I don’t think I ever finished a piece for any of the challenges as early as I did this one! But as I’m going on holiday at the end of June for a few weeks, I was worried I wouldn’t get it done in time, and am glad I did! :-)

Neptune’s Bride was inspired by the colours of the sea, I envisioned a mermaid and attempted to design a bridal piece that was classic in its design while at the same time using non-traditional colours. In Roman mythology Neptune was the god of water and the sea. This piece was designed for his bride.

I really love how this piece turned out!!! but what I’m most proud of is the necklace band (see left photo), beadwoven in Right Angle Weave, which is one of the most versatile stitches and the first beadweaving techniques I learnt, and embellished with tiny Japanese cubes. You really need to concentrate on this stitch when using it, as the direction changes continuously and it’s so easy to get lost. So not the quickest of stitches but by far one of my favourites! :-) and once embellished, one of the prettiest!

In the next few days I will post another piece I’ve been working on, but in the meantime…. have a great weekend!!!! :-)

Tuesday 9 June 2009

June EBW Challenge


The theme of the June EtsyBeadWeavers Challenge is Humour and the entries are definitely humorous and whimsical!!! :-) Go and vote for your favourite from today until the 15th June: http://etsy-beadweavers.blogspot.com/

I didn’t manage to enter this month, but have already finished my entry for the July challenge themed “Here come the bride…” chosen by Cielo Design who won the May challenge. As soon as the theme was announced I rushed to my bead stash and beaded my little heart out. Stay tuned, I will post pictures after the current voting has ended. :-)

In the meantime…. go vote!!! :-)

Monday 8 June 2009

Bead Art Originals – Items of the Week

Another stunning selections of items from the Bead Art Originals – visit the BAO blog and find out what specials offers are attached to these items! http://beadartoriginals.blogspot.com/

bao item of the week

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Use the Muse Contest

I’m so exited!!! Use the Muse is having another contest and this time it includes international beaders!!!! yeah!!! So all you beaders, from wherever you are, go and check it out!!!

Artbeads is one of the sponsors of the Use the Muse II beading design contest.

Each entrant will receive the same assortment of components including beads, crystals, pearls, silk and seed beads plus a mystery muse component that must be kept a secret until the “BIG REVEAL.”

The contest was created by Scarlett Lanson, a regular columnist in Beadwork, who has won some prestigious contests herself. She placed first in the 2009 KGI Wordwide Design Contest and fourth place in the 2007 Swarovski “Create Your Style” competition. Scarlett’s goal was to create a competition for all types of beaders; stringers, bead weavers, and embroiderers, that had a shortened timeline and a big payoff. The prizes offered are really cool. In order to enter you must buy the kit. The kits are $30 plus $5 for shipping in the US and $10 for international entrants. I’ve already ordered mine and I hope it gets here quickly as I’m so exited and can’t wait to start on my entry!!! :-)

The kit’s availability is limited and will likely be gone before the deadline of 27th June. The quicker you sign up, the more chances you will have of receiving a kit and the more time you will have to work on your entry before the 18th July deadline.

To find out more details and to check out the winners in the first Use the Muse contest, visit Scarlett’s blog here:

The Beader's Muse

Monday 1 June 2009

Bead Art Originals – Items of the Week

This week’s Items of the Week from the BAO – They all look so great together and mine stands out like a sore thumb!!! :-) LOL

Please visit the Bead Art Original’s blog to see these beauties and to find out what specials are attached to these items! http://beadartoriginals.blogspot.com/

bao item of the week