Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Water - work in progress - Part 1

I cleaned up my beading table.... I rearranged all my beads.... and as I said, new colour combinations have entered my thoughts.... I guess it's a logical progression from the Fire and Flowers challenge (voting currently taking place http://www.etsy-beadweavers.blogspot.com/)... the exact opposite... in colour, in temperature, in mood.... it extinguishes fire but provides life to flowers :-)
Here is my progress so far.... yet to be named, as I'm still unsure where it's going....

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.
This morning I went to the post office to pick up a package of cabochons that I ordered from JadeDogBeads. Within the package I received were these lovely Vintage Glass Pointed Oval Cabochons and they were the beginning of my colour selection.
Blue is one of my favourite colours and especially turquoise... I love turquoise!!!! and as summer approaches, you will see just how much I love turquoise.... there is always a period just before summer that all I can think is turquoise, so I usually end up making everything with some turquoise inside... in an almost obsessive way :-)
I started playing around with the white cabochons... and all I could think of is fish swimming around, so I angled the cabochons... just to try something a bit different.... we'll see how it develops...
Come back in a few days to see this piece progressing and of course the finished piece :-)
again, a quick reminder: voting is taking place at http://www.etsy-beadweavers.blogspot.com/. Don't put it off less than 6 days left! vote for your favourite!


  1. Ciao Triz... as probably you already know turquoise is one of my favourite colors too (see my Etsy avatar)... surely this new creations will be again a stunning one!
    I've already voted... guess which is my favourite item???


  2. Looks very promising.. I can't wait to see the finished pieace :)


  3. Thank you both, Ale and Smadar!!! I hope I live up to the expectations! :-) no preassure :-)

  4. Triz, Turauoise is becoming one of my favorite colors. Can't wait to see your new creation, I'm sure it will be beautiful


  5. Triz this is going to be awesome - I love turquoise too and I can't wait to see the finished piece - I already know it will be wonderful! I think I am going to try my hand at some bead embroidery over the summer.

  6. Thank you Staci and Jean!!! and Jean you should try it out, with your background in fine art and beading I can only immagine what wonderful creations you will be able to come up with!!!
