Oh I'm so annoyed!!!! I've just stayed up an extra hour and a half waiting for the bloody treasury to open up!!!! and arghhhhhhh!!! it got stuck, and then I couldn't get into it again.... and now the treasury is full again!!!! argggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! the treasuries frustrate me a LOT!!!! :-)
So I cannot post my beautiful treasury... but I finally finished the Sherry Serafini piece "A Mermaid's Attire" I've been working on for... hmmmm.... what feels like a century!!!! :-) but was probably about a month, or maybe just a bit less... :-) (see previous post )
and here it is:

I really learnt so much making this, even though I really, REALLY do not like following instructions... which is probably why it took me soooo long to finish it!!!! but having said that... I thoroughly enjoyed making it!!!!! and yes... not right now, but I would love to buy another project, especially a Serafini one!!!! Some of you may have been following my blog since the beginning and may already know how crazy I am about her work.... and after making this piece, my love for her work has grown tenfold!!!!! To get a glimpse into her amazing work and technique was such a treat for me!!!! The next best thing after attending one of her classes, which I would love to do!!! but am unable to for at least a few years!!!
I can't even begin to tell you how many mistakes/changes I made... but I really tried to stay as true to the piece as possible... and I think for my first attempt I did it justice... if I were to make another one (which I'm not!!! :-D) I'm sure I would not make most of the mistakes that I made, in terms of following the pattern backwards, missing rows, different sized beads and then filling all the gaps, that I'm sure were not supposed to be there, with extra beads. But I am pleased with the outcome... I LOVE the piece!!!.... and best of all it's all mine!!!! and this is probably (and sadly) as close as I will ever get to one of Sherry Serafini amazing works of art!!! :-) I already wore it this morning to my cousin's baby's Brit Milah... so what if I was a bit overdressed with it on!!!! :-) I rarely go out at night, so I wore it for a breakfast thing! :-) and it felt and looked amazing!!!!!!!! I really want to make a cuff using some of the new techniques I learnt making this necklace... so stay tuned! :-)
This is a very happy me (happy because I get to wear this gorgeous work of art, even if it is around the flat wearing my pyjamas :-D). If you want to see what the actual piece looks like as it was intended to be by the artist, please click on "A Mermaid's Attire by Sherry Serafini" - I think I did ok :-) the one thing I'm sorry about is that I didn't have and couldn't find the large turquoise drops the pattern required.... but if you haven't seen the original you wouldn't really know that it was supposed to have them... but I still wish I used /had them :-)
Come back and see what cuff I'm going to make to complement this piece!!!
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and happy beading!!! :-)