Well… Lately, even though I seem to have all the time in the world, as my son started pre-school and comes home at 4.30 everyday, leaving me lots of time to bead… work… and even exercise… I found myself unable to sit down and come up with anything creative… although I have managed to work and, believe it or not, exercise… every morning, as soon as I have dropped him off at school, I blast my ipod and power walk for an hour… very proud of myself!!! yet… beading… has been more difficult to do… so I looked at my workspace… and this is what I found… a HUGE mess!!!!

Shameful, right? :-) This could explain my cluttered mind and my inability to sit down and bead… nowhere to sit and bead, that’s why!!! So I dedicated a whole day to cleaning up and tried to re-organize my workspace! and here are the results:

So much better, although not perfect, but at least I can actually find the tables!!! :-)
So no more excuses!!!
I bought these AMAZING lampwork beads from Tera Belinsky-Yoder of BeadyGirl Beads and really wanted to make something with them!
Here is the first piece I made using one of these beautiful pieces of glass art:
Cosmic Carnival Bracelet

Amazing what can be achieved with a bit of order in ones life! :-)
I even made another bracelet, although not with Tera Belinsky-Yoder’s beads… a remake of one of my first designs that I found at the bottom of a box…. I haven’t worked on the photos yet, so come back tomorrow and check it out!!!