and here it is the Merry Widow bracelet that I posted about yesterday, the sun came out and I was able to take some (more like a trillion!!!) shots :-)
I really like this bracelet.... lots of pearls, lots of textures.... I love how the matte black beads contrast with the colour and lustre of the pearls....
Yes! I'm happy with it! :-)
so next... has to be earrings!!! :-) haven't beaded anything today, as my son is home sick, but am glad that at least I managed to post this :-)
and I hope that after we go down to the park (he wasn't that sick after all! :-D) he'll be ready for a nap... and then... the beading frenzy can continue!!!! yeah!!!!!! :-) you must all think that I'm off my rocker... well... :-)