Remember I said, I’ve been quite busy beading three new pieces?…. well here is the first one!!! :-)
I received these amazing Swarovski components from at the beginning of September and I am so ashamed to say that it’s taken me this long to finally create something with them… but finally I did!
Whilst I laid in bed with the flu this weekend, I had this overwhelming need to use these luscious Swarovski crystal components! I ordered an Octagonal Fancy, a Fancy Pear and some Rivoli buttons, all in Jet Nut, a colour that I was not familiar with, but I thought would be nice to try…. well, the colour is just so gorgeous!!!! A deep, rich dark chocolate brown almost verging on black… just yummy!!! probably why I wanted to use these when I was sick, as chocolate is by far my favourite comfort food and I guess beading with this beautiful colour was what I needed! (I was too sick to go out and get chocolate ;-D)
Truffle Temptation Necklace
So I bead-embroidered around the Octagonal and the Pear shape Swarovski using these beautiful bronze-lined crystal Toho seed beads, and some yummy, luscious deep brown Swarovski pearls. That was the easy part… the hardest part was trying to find the right necklace for this piece… that took me about two days of going through every magazine and book I have on beadwork before I decided to go with a lovely chevron stitch using the same Swarovski pearls but in a tiny 3mm… and I’m happy to say those two days of research surely paid off, as I’m really happy with how this piece turned out!!!
For the clasp I used one of the Rivoli buttons and then made a peyote stitched loop to accommodate the button.

As I said I’m really pleased with how this piece turned out, but let me know what you think! :-)
And if you are looking for Swarovski products, check out the extensive range has. Not only do they provide a great selection at great prices but they also offer amazing customer service, they are a pleasure to do business with!!!! Here are some links to their Swarovski products:
Swarovski crystal beads:
Swarovski rhinestones:
Swarovski pendants:
Yesterday, I received this lovely letter from them which included a card offering 10% discount. They informed me that I could share this discount code with friends, family and of course my blog readers! :-) Did I not say they are great?!?! :-)
So here is the discount code: SCF10P-ARTBEADS-0424
There is no minimum order and it is valid until 31st December 2009
Free shipping to the U.S. and only $1 to Canada!
Check them out!!! I know I will be definitely placing an order very soon!!! :-)
To see what I made with the rest of the Rivoli buttons, come back tomorrow!!!
Wishing everyone a great beady day!!!! :-)